Arthritis Pain? Hemp Seed Oil Can Be Your Solution!

Arthritis Pain? Hemp Seed Oil Can Be Your Solution!

Do you suffer from joint or arthritic pain? Are you interested in trying a natural solution before using prescription medication?

A review of recent studies suggests that essential omega fatty acids found in hemp seed oil, in particular, Gamma Linolenic Acid, (GLA) can have an anti-inflammatory effect in the body.  This is particularly helpful for those suffering from joint pain. GLA has been shown to be effective in relieving symptoms of inflammatory conditions, such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), rheumatoid arthritis (RA), and multiple sclerosis (MS).

Hemp seed oil is both therapeutic and nourishing and may be used externally and internally. It can either be taken orally e.g. in capsule form, drizzled on salads, added to smoothies, or taken from a spoon, or it may be used topically in a calming hemp balm or used as a massage oil. Used together, this amazing superfood has been demonstrated to aid with arthritis and joint discomfort.

Just to be clear, hemp seed oil is different from cannabidiol (CBD) oil. Hemp seed oil comes from the seeds of the Cannabis sativa plant. The seeds do not contain the same levels of compounds as the plant itself, but they still have a rich profile of nutrients, fatty acids, and useful bioactive compounds. Research is ongoing in an effort to understand how exactly the compounds present in hemp seed oil help in bringing down inflammation and relieving pain, particularly because hemp oil appears to work at times when other medications do not.

Source: diet/health-benefits-hemp-seed-oil

The following article explores various approaches the writer took to ease her arthritis. She shares a variety of remedies – Hemp Seed Oil, Sleep, Diet Changes, Exercise and Mindfulnesss. We reveal below the actions and behaviours that were most helpful to her.

I can’t cure my arthritis but I can control my choices

I’ve tried many things in attempts to cure my arthritis. However, the best thing for me was doing nothing specific. It was an overall lifestyle change.

Hemp Seed Oil

Currently I’m taking Hemp Seed Oil, which is high in Omega essential oils. It has a kind of nutty taste which was yuck at first but now is no big deal. It’s not cheap but I only have two tablespoons a day with my morning smoothie so does last a while. Does it work? Yes, I believe that this is one of the only things I have tried, supplements-wise, that makes a difference to my body. Not long after taking it I was able to reduce my painkillers. I’ve been taking it for several years now. There was a period when I didn’t replace the empty bottles and my joints started getting achy again. I am not medical professional, but if I were to recommend one thing, it would be this!

Overall diet changes

I drink less alcohol, eat less dairy, gluten and processed foods. I say eat less because I need some freedom. If I am too restrictive it’s too hard to maintain.


I prioritise sleep. I go to bed early, like a nana, and the extra sleep helps me recover. I wake up with more energy than I’ve ever had and have less pain overall.


I do light exercise. Growing up I was very active. I played a lot of sports. This was and still is one of the most frustrating things for me. But now I (have to) choose to avoid those hard activities. I walk when I can. I stretch. I swim or do aqua-aerobics to get that proper workout feeling. I’ve also changed the way I think about chores. Cleaning the shower, vacuuming and mowing the lawn are all my new forms of sport.


I (try to) incorporate meditation, mindfulness and breathing into my new lifestyle. These things have helped me to stop, take a break, think about my choices and accept the pain.

Does all of this work? Yes. I can’t cure my arthritis but I can control my choices. These lifestyle choices are realistic and manageable for me. I still have to consciously think about my choices sometimes, and it can still be a challenge sometimes, but most of it has simply become my new way of life. And I feel pretty good.


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